Thursday 29 September 2011

empathy part2. (a cul de sac of poems )

WHAT PATRICK KAVANAGH SEEN (or a disused house in county Louth)

Just up Duffy’s lane
Over the fields towards
Mucker, Kavanagh land
Just a mile from
Hack-balls- cross.

Through his poplars
Over his wooden-
Gate and I was lost
In an old abandoned

It was as if the people
Had just walked
Out the door, like
A film set of Patrick
Kavanaghs catholic

Lost in a world
Of sacred hearts
Blood from thorns
And sepia-toned
Pictures of Jesus.

Bloody icons
Littered every step
I took.  It seems as
If  I had walked
Into his poems
in memory
Of his mother
And father.

I didn’t even know
What a poem was then
All I knew was he had
The jack of a car
And I had the branch
Of a tree and we were
Out on manoeuvres, playing.

I picked up an ebony
And ivory walking stick
That I was going to use
As a gun.  Don’t- said
My brother who was two
Years older and wiser.

That’s the devils plaything
After all he was a smart guy
He could count to ten
In German and watch
Match of the day
At the same time.

I threw it away as if
The plague was carved
Into it, I went upstairs
Looked out the window
And saw what Kavanagh

I considered the grass growing
Growing cool about
My ankles on a July day
Running home through
The fields with my brother
A one eyed three legged
Dog holding onto the branch
Of a tree.                                                        

                                    the dodder


Autumn rusts upon the day,
the decay of another   year
seasoned like a mulled
wine, rich. As the days roll
into one and overcast grey
eclipses blue. You can al-
most hear the rustling foot
step of harsh winds catch up.

Just like memory meandering
almost tripping you to fall
and stumble but you steady
time, rhyme and form and it be-
comes your walk-
in stick.

The sound of summer spilt
Through my door. The wind
Choreographed the leaves
The long run - thanx mum
You made me a man that
took the harshness and spun
it into this web of words.                                                        

for Janice

The rains ripple
And the people
Pass-by.  Looking
Out beyond from
This goldfish bowl.

Focusing the kailido-
Scope from inside
Out. The glass con-
Caves the pane,
the wind-screen
and reading
glasses, looking
Thru a magnifying
Glass of thought.

You have to go
Deep into the in-
Ferno to see this
concaved light.

Trembling dis-
Tortions that see what
You cant see.  The pure
Water rippling imperfections
Seen thru different colour eyes.

the gene geney
he lives on his back
here in the con-cave.

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